
GDPR-compliant website statistics with Matomo

Statistics on website traffic - which pages are accessed frequently, on which days and at what times do how many people visit my website? These statistics can also be run in compliance with data protection regulations and do not even have to be optional. To give you a view of the real data of your website, helps - with the current version of Matomo on a server in Vienna (Austria). The product has no installation costs, but we calculate the running costs based on data traffic.

meteostats | Desktop © echonet communication

Website statistics based on Matomo

View daily visits to your own website, live statistics with access by region, end device, operating system and much more is offered by the statistics software Matomo. The system is an open source product. With, echonet operates an installation of the software for customers within the European Union with a physical location in Vienna (Austria). The software has become particularly exciting due to the GDPR. And it provides accurate data, also offers e-commerce tracking solutions and allows you to accurately measure the success of your website comprehensively.

GDPR-compliant: Website analysis with Matomo is also permitted as a "mandatory cookie", as the software does not make any comparisons with the data in the background, but only processes the figures for the person who owns the website, it may also be used in Europe without consent. This means that the system also receives data from website visits where the optional cookies and services are not accepted by the surfers. How and from which source the visits to a website originate is just as readable as the question: Which page generates sales?

meteostats | Floating-Screens © echonet communication

Fair prices, no initial costs

Anyone wishing to obtain the statistics software via echonet can expect a fair pricing system and no initial costs. The calculation for ongoing operation, which ultimately also places a corresponding burden on echonet's server landscape, is based on the website's data traffic, i.e. the number of page views per month. At the beginning, an assessment is made to provide a realistic picture of the data traffic on the website. After the classification, a check is carried out after 3 months to see whether the values are roughly correct. This is followed by a recalculation at the end of the year.

What happens if the values are exceeded?

Only if the values are permanently exceeded will echonet contact you with a price adjustment. We always take an average of the data, so if you have a month with a high number of visits, the costs will not change immediately.

Price levels and classification of costs

Classification process

  • Assessment of traffic on the basis of empirical values or existing statistics.
  • Determination of the first classification.
  • Check after about 3 months.
  • Measurement at the end of the year.
  • Reclassification for the next year based on the previous year's data.

Prices for usage

The prices and costs for the use of are based on the number of page views of the website or online portal per month.

Feel free to compare the prices! If the costs increase as a result of the reclassification, echonet customers naturally have an immediate right of termination.

Statistics also via smartphone app

  • meteostats (App, Smartphone) © echonet communication

The ongoing statistics including live data of the most recent visits to your website and of course their origin, the views of the individual pages and subpages as well as an overview of the general traffic on a website can also be called up directly, conveniently and without major detours on the smartphone with our product via the "Matomo" app from the individual app stores of the smartphone software manufacturers.

All you need to do is enter your access data once in the app and you will have your website's statistics available at any time at the touch of a finger.

meteostats | Notebook © echonet communication

Pricing & Packages 1 - 7

  • 30,000

    Monthly costs

    CHF 7 ≙ € 7

    Included Hits

    • 30,000 per month
    • 360,000 per year

    Included in Service-Tickets

    • Economy: 0
    • Premium Economy: 1 Service
    • Business Class: 0
    • First Class: 0

    Exceedance per 10,000

    CHF 2 ≙ € 2.33

  • 75,000

    Monthly costs

    CHF 16 ≙ € 17

    Included Hits

    • 75,000 per month
    • 900,000 per year

    Included in Service-Tickets

    • Economy: 0
    • Premium Economy: 0
    • Business Class: 0
    • First Class: 0

    Exceedance per 10,000

    CHF 2 ≙ € 2.27

  • 150,000

    Monthly costs

    CHF 25 ≙ € 27

    Included Hits

    • 150,000 per month
    • 1,800,000 per year

    Included in Service-Tickets

    • Economy: 0
    • Premium Economy: 0
    • Business Class: 2 Services
    • First Class: 0

    Exceedance per 10,000

    CHF 2 ≙ € 1.80

  • 300,000

    Monthly costs

    CHF 44 ≙ € 47

    Included Hits

    • 300,000 per month
    • 3,600,000 per year

    Included in Service-Tickets

    • Economy: 0
    • Premium Economy: 0
    • Business Class: 0
    • First Class: 0

    Exceedance per 10,000

    CHF 1 ≙ € 1.57

  • 600,000

    Monthly costs

    CHF 72 ≙ € 77

    Included Hits

    • 600,000 per month
    • 7,200,000 per year

    Included in Service-Tickets

    • Economy: 0
    • Premium Economy: 0
    • Business Class: 0
    • First Class: 4 Services

    Exceedance per 10,000

    CHF 1 ≙ € 1.28

  • 1.2 Mio

    Monthly costs

    CHF 138 ≙ € 147

    Included Hits

    • 1,200,000 per month
    • 14,400,000 per year

    Included in Service-Tickets

    • Economy: 0
    • Premium Economy: 0
    • Business Class: 0
    • First Class: 0

    Exceedance per 10,000

    CHF 1 ≙ € 1.23

  • 2.4 Mio

    Monthly costs

    CHF 260 ≙ € 277

    Included Hits

    • 2,400,000 per month
    • 28,800,000 per year

    Included in Service-Tickets

    • Economy: 0
    • Premium Economy: 0
    • Business Class: 0
    • First Class: 0

    Exceedance per 10,000

    CHF 1 ≙ € 1.15

GDPR conformity and credit carryover per year

Calculation over the calendar year ...

All "Features as a Service" (FaaS) have a monthly fee that is based on consumption. Additional costs incurred if consumption is exceeded are only charged if consumption was too high over the entire calendar year. So if you consume less in April and more in July, you take the credit from April with you. Only if the total for the year is too high will you be charged subsequently.

Works without consent ...

All echonet cloud services are designed in such a way that - as long as they are services on the website itself - they also work without consent in accordance with the GDPR. This means that the content or statistics created with them are also comprehensive and not only available to those users of the website who have explicitly consented. This creates statistics with real numbers, but it also creates content that is seen by everyone.

Why echonet Cloud-Services?

Cloud-Services and echonet Products

In contrast to echonet products, echonet cloud services are created on the basis of external software. echonet products are developed in-house in our digital workshop. The following applies to the cloud services: echonet creates the interfaces and, for some services, also the technical operation / server (e.g. website statistics).

You could therefore also bypass echonet's cloud services and take care of them yourself, as you have the same option of procuring this software as we do. You can operate your own servers for this and also have corresponding interfaces developed - also by us. If you use a lot of software, it may be cheaper for you to use your own service or server - especially if you have your own in-house IT department.

This can be attractive in terms of costs, but you will create a number of construction sites around your website that you will then have to manage yourself.

Questions and Answers ...

Can I operate these services myself or have them connected to the web system?

Yes, you can. All of echonet's cloud services are not a "secret", they are officially available services, software or API interfaces.

What advantages do I have if I do this myself without echonet?

If you have a very high consumption, this can be financially cheaper for you - at least for normal operation.

What are the disadvantages of doing it myself and not using echonet cloud services?

If the software needs an update, the interface is changed by the company or organization providing it or the capacities (storage space...) are exhausted, you will also have to take care of this yourself. You can also commission us to do this, but such adjustments can quickly take a person-day and thus completely destroy the cost advantage.

Such services are available free of charge ...?

  • Costs: Cash Money / Bargeld Euro-Banknoten (Straße) © Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

Many of echonet's cloud services would theoretically also be available free of charge on the Internet. If you expect a service to have no one-off or ongoing costs, then the service naturally has a different business model. Ideally, the service is financed with the help of donations, such as the map service "Open Streetmap", the messaging service "Signal" or the online encyclopedia "Wikipedia".

In most cases of free services, however, there is a "different form of payment", because ultimately it is a matter of paying with data that is used for marketing and advertising. However, this is precisely where the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) often comes into play. This often means that such a service can only be used if the users in Europe actively consent to this service.

*) free of charge [free|of|charge, english, adj.] On the Internet, this is very often a technical term for services that are not paid for with money but with privacy and data.

Website statistics without contract by consumption

You can also use the statistics system of the echonet cloud services without a contract. In this case, actual billing is based on the actual usage. There are no fixed fees, but usage is calculated at the end of the year on the basis of the total amount.

At the end of the year, you will receive an invoice for the actual consumption based on the costs specified here.

Note: You also need a contract for this form of billing, but there is no basic flat rate that would be charged. However, the unit price for this offer is higher than for the flat-rate contracts. Also included in the costs for this offer is the fact that echonet takes care of the API and makes any adaptations if the interface is changed by the software.

7,500 Hits

CHF 3 ≙ € 3.50

Annual billing of the units actually consumed. Any number of calls with billing according to actual consumption.